Saturday, 22 June 2013

Weekend Teaser!

Weekend Teaser!


How Old Would You Be If You Didn't Know?

I know everyone wants to ask off-the-wall questions but when you get in the habit of teasing your brain, you’ll be amazed at what you end up seeing that you didn’t see before.

Someone asked me this question some time ago. Let me start with myself, hehehe... I would say 20? Forever young! 

So, let's have some fun, how old would you be if you didn't know?


  1. Tough one, maybe I'll like to be 18 again!I have good memories of that time of my life.

  2. well am still young guess i like my age as it is for nw......peeeeezzzzzzeeee

  3. hmmm....i guess am 18

  4. in full memories of my chilhood age, i use to be the eye of the family, pampered by my Dad. the memory still very fresh and if i had my way i will love to remain in my childhood stage.

  5. Wow... don't we all wish we were children again! Thanks dear for dropping by.
