Friday, 21 June 2013

For The Love Of Books

For The Love Of Books

By Ibe

I walked into a friend's library last year. Her collection of books and dazzling materials gave me a flurry of emotions: awe, wonder and joy. Books are a passion of mine. Whether you hardly ever read, or have an entire library of classic novels in your home, books have lots to offer us.
It's a common belief that Nigerians do not like reading. I however disagree; we have not mentally stabilized in terms of infrastructures and so we are only concerned about basic necessities. Only a few of us are book lovers despite this.

Personally, right now, e-books  are just it for me because of their convenience.You could as well be speaking Swahili, if you asked the average person about e-readers. You can get free e-books on and

Okay, So I've been doing a lot of thinking on how to make my blog more interesting. Subsequently, I'll be reviewing books I have read. If anyone would like me to review a book, you can email me here:

Share Your Thoughts


  1. Hi Ibe, I love books too. You are doing a great job.
    Well done!

  2. Thanks Aunty Eya for commenting on my blog. I'm actually dancing!

  3. thank you Ibe; I'll go back to my books....its true; readers are leaders... I just remembered a writeup about American CEOs : they read a lot far more than other workers.

  4. Thanks too Tiger H. Yes, You are right, readers are leaders.
