There were times when I felt like a part of me couldn’t quite connect to this adventure.
There was the “fear” of the
unknown – new context, new ideas, new environment and the need to be different. Will people care to visit my blog? What should my posts be like? Will they enjoy it? Will I have time for myself? and oh...the big one - wouldn't I be making myself vulnerable by being honest and authentic in my posts? You see, I don't like anyone misinterpreting, or getting me
wrong – like “oh, she’s some stuck-up lady who thinks she's got something new to tell us…”. But seriously, I’m someone who loves a lot of
predictability and quietness – yes, I do enjoy a quiet room with no care in the world... Haha!
However, a realization hit me exactly two months ago "Don’t wait; enjoy some adventure!”and boom, I started this blog! And I mean immediately. Don't get me wrong, I had nursed this desire for a while but it took that one decision.I just wanted to enjoy being myself – nothing more… In a way, I’m glad that that has
happened, because I felt it with such conviction and inner
clarity. Who knows? Maybe this is a version of my calling. And hey, you can be part of this calling by sending in your contributions and observations to ibenath@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you. Have an awesome week!